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Pujol-Coll, Josep. “‘Den Lugar a Los Negrillos’: Villancicos y Danzas ‘de Negro’ En La España Del Siglo XVII.”

Pujol-Coll, Josep. “‘Den Lugar a Los Negrillos’: Villancicos y Danzas ‘de Negro’ En La España Del Siglo XVII.” Anuario Musical: Revista de Musicología Del C.S.I.C 76 (2021): 51–71.


This article analyzes the appearance of the dances in the villancicos “de negro” to inquire into the contribution of the Ibero-Africans in the musical and choreographic culture of 17th century Spain. Specifically, from a corpus of fitfty texts, the dances and bailes that appear described in them are analyzed, especially the guineos, zarambeques, cumbés, and others not directly related to the dances considered as “black”, like the chacona, the zarabanda or the canario, as well as other quoted dances. Furthermore, after listing, classifying and contextualizing them, these dances are interrelated with those that appear in the Corpus Christi processions to offer an intertextual look at the filters that acted in front of the slave reality, to elucidate the African participation and to distinguish it from the cases of blackface and other cultural hybrids throughout the century.

Year of publication: 2021

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