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Bayle, Christine, and John Whitelaw. "A Baroque Body! What the Hell is That?."

Bayle, Christine, and John Whitelaw. "A Baroque Body! What the Hell is That?." In Retrieving & Reconstructing the Past through Dance [Proceedings of the Early Dance Circle Conference held on 6-8 May 2022], edited by Barbara Segal and Alena Shmakova, 37-44. Cambridge: Early Dance Circle, 2023.

Presentation of the conventional term “Baroque” and its essential meaninglessness for dance and music – except as an aesthetic concept. La Belle Danse : its emergence (De Lauze 1623) and description and professionalization (Pierre Rameau 1725 – and others). Demonstration of techniques and differences of style. Renewed conception of Baroque in the light of La belle Dance, with discussion of parallel musical developments.

Year of publication: 2023

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