Hazebroucq, Hubert. "»De la cadence fine et savante«. Beispiele rhythmischer Effekte im Theatertanzrepertoire des 18. Jahrhunderts."
Hazebroucq, Hubert. "»De la cadence fine et savante«. Beispiele rhythmischer Effekte im Theatertanzrepertoire des 18. Jahrhunderts." Musiktheorie: Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft 34, no. 2 (2019): 118-139.
In the 18th century, the ordinary choreographic cadence matches the downbeat of the music and the beginning of the step unit. However, some treatises mention the possibility of contravening this rule, particularly in a theatrical context. In the Art de la danse by Borin (1746) one reds of the virtuosic effects of the "learned and refined cadence" (cadence fine et savant), credited to the choreographer Beauchamp. Examples of such rhythmical processes can be found in Beauchamp's notated Sarabande, and in choreographies of his followers, such as Pécour and Ballon, confirming the existence and longevity of such practices, even if they were unusual. An Italian treatise by Sacchi (1770) also attributes the art of dancing "against the bar" to theatrical dancers. Magri, in 1779, names it "contra tempo" and "intercadenza", the latter echoing the "entre candence" already mentioned by Pasch in 1707. In other fields the term intercadence (in French) can refer to the irregularity of the pulse or the mood. The irregular cadence sheds new light on the analogy between dance and poetic discourse, and in the relationship between choreographic and poetic meters.
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- Lauchery, Étienne(2)
- Lauchery, Albert(1)
- Etiquette(4)
- Inszenierung(1)
- staging(1)
- Marais(1)
- Theaterkostüm(14)
- theatre costume(14)
- Burgund(1)
- Burgundy(1)
- Kostümentwurf(1)
- costume design(1)
- Maske(3)
- mask(3)
- Tanznotation(7)
- dance notation(7)
- Tomlinson, Kellom(1)
- Morris dance(2)
- Taglioni, Marie(1)
- Commedia dell'arte(3)
- Destouches(1)
- Matassins(1)
- Höflinge(1)
- courtiers(1)
- Adel(2)
- nobility(1)
- Komödie(1)
- comedy(1)
- Greece(1)
- antiquity(4)
- Antike(4)
- Griechenland(1)
- Musiker(1)
- musicians(1)
- Académie Royale de Danse(4)
- Branle(3)
- traditional dance(1)
- Reisebücher(3)
- travel literature(3)
- Napoleon Bonaparte(2)
- Washington(1)
- Karikatur(1)
- caricature(1)
- education(3)
- Erziehung(3)
- Lied(1)
- song(2)
- populäre Musik(1)
- popular music(1)
- Festival(1)
- Ästhetik(1)
- aesthetics(1)
- Quantz, Johann Joachim(1)
- measures(2)
- Pécour, Louis(3)
- dancing plague(1)
- Antonio Cornazzano(1)
- court culture(6)
- Quattrocento(6)
- Ronsard, Pierre de(1)
- Volta(1)
- Terminologie(1)
- terminology(1)
- Despréaux, Jean Etiènne(2)
- Dubreil, Pierre(3)
- Reisekultur(1)
- travelling(1)
- Birken, Sigmund von(1)
- Feuillet, Raoul-Auger(6)
- Taubert, Gottfried(22)
- Dänemark(2)
- Denmark(2)
- Tanzmeistergeige(5)
- Pochette(5)
- assemblée(1)
- costume(1)
- Kostüm(1)
- Kleidung(1)
- clothing(1)
- Isaac(3)
- Bauernhochzeit(1)
- peasant wedding(1)
- Totentanz(1)
- Dance of Death(1)
- Tschechien(1)
- Czech Republic(1)
- Konservierung(1)
- Conservation(1)
- Boquet, Louis René(2)
- Galliarde(3)
- galliard(3)
- Coranto(1)
- Mattheson, Johann(1)
- Caprice(1)
- Capriccio(1)
- Hilverding, Franz Anton(1)
- Giselle(2)
- Gagliarda(2)
- Douvillier, Suzanne(1)
- Neapel(7)
- Naples(7)
- Labanotation(1)
- Tanzanalyse(3)
- dance analysis(3)
- Tanztechnik(2)
- dance technique(2)
- feste di ballo(1)
- Lepicq, Charles(4)
- Norwegen(3)
- Norway(3)
- Oslo(1)
- Tänzerin(5)
- female dancer(5)
- Eichler, Eduard(1)
- Portugal(4)
- Oppenheimer, Joseph Süss(1)
- Indien(1)
- India(1)
- Karibik(1)
- Dumanoir, Guillaume(1)
- Tuccaro, Arcangelo(1)
- Estampie(1)
- Martel d'Amore(1)
- Molière(6)
- Martin y Coll(1)
- Rhetorik(1)
- Rhetoric(1)
- public ball(1)
- Polka(1)
- Paartänze(1)
- couple dances(1)
- Austen, Jane(1)
- Film(1)
- screen(1)
- Choreographie(2)
- choreography(2)
- Bach, Johann Sebastian(2)
- Haydn, Joseph(1)
- Opernball(1)
- opera ball(1)
- dance hall(1)
- Paris(10)
- Schauspiel(3)
- drama(3)
- burlesque(1)
- Hypermeter(1)
- Colonna(1)
- dance training(2)
- Darstellende Künste(4)
- performing arts(4)
- Ljubljana(1)
- Laibacher Kongress(1)
- congress of Laibach(1)
- Schäfflertanz(1)
- Katalonien(1)
- Catalonia(1)
- Liturgie(1)
- Christentum(2)
- christianity(2)
- medieval dance(2)
- Villancico(1)
- Chacona(1)
- Zarabanda(1)
- Skandinavien(1)
- Scandinavia(1)
- Walcke, Svend H(1)
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus(2)
- sociability(1)
- Gestik(1)
- gesture(1)
- Virtuosität(1)
- virtuosity(1)
- 20 Jh(1)
- Jüdische Kultur(1)
- jewish culture(1)
- Pasticcio(2)
- Gluck, Christoph Willibald(2)
- Sallé, Marie(2)
- Händel, Georg Friedrich(2)
- Beggar's Opera(1)
- Ludus Pastoralis(1)
- Ferrère Manuskript(1)
- 132(1)
- Protestantism(1)
- Protestantismus(1)
- madness(1)
- Wahnsinn(1)
- Gesang(1)
- theology(1)
- Theologie(1)
- adiaphora(1)
- devil(1)
- Teufel(1)
- early modern period(1)
- Frühmoderne(1)
- ballerina(1)
- dancing body(1)
- Tanzkörper(1)
- saraband(2)
- bailes(1)
- polemic(2)
- Polemik(2)
- Le Triomphe de l'Amour(1)
- Les Rats(1)
- court ball(2)
- Hofball(2)
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich(1)
- Borckmann, Anton Albrecht(1)
- Praetorius, Michael(1)
- Terpsichore(1)
- music publishing(1)
- Musikverleger(1)
- cultural transfer(3)
- Kulturtransfer(3)
- renaissance dance(4)
- Renaissancetanz(4)
- Grossatesta, Gaetano(1)
- Ganasetti, Bortolo(1)
- L'Ammazzone(1)
- Dezais, Jacques(1)
- Gaudrau, Michel(1)
- L'Abbé, Anthony(3)
- Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley(1)
- turquerie(6)
- The Siege of Rhodes(1)
- Tamerlano(1)
- The Fair Captive(1)
- professional dancer(4)
- professionelle Tänzer(4)
- Apologie de la Danse(1)
- Louange de la Danse(1)
- Emeraud, Anthoine(1)
- Lauze, François de(1)
- dance suite(1)
- Tanzsuite(1)
- violin(2)
- Violine(2)
- playing technique(1)
- Spieltechnik(1)
- music analysis(1)
- Musikanalyse(1)
- Rigaudon(1)
- Binche(1)
- Maskerade(1)
- Comédie-Française(2)
- divertissement(2)
- cadence(1)
- Pasch, Johann(1)
- Dupré, Louis(1)
- ballet figuré(3)
- Naïs(1)
- Comédie-Italienne(2)
- Opéra-Comique(2)
- Caroso, Fabritio(4)
- Lupi da Caravaggio, Livio(2)
- Cinquecento(6)
- Il Papa manuscript(3)
- Il Papa Manuskript(3)
- parody(1)
- Parodie(1)
- ballet de caractère(1)
- Richelieu(1)
- Gaston d'Orléans(1)
- Philidor, André Danican(1)
- Ballet des Triomphes(1)
- regional(1)
- press(1)
- Presse(1)
- bal paré(1)
- danses de bal(1)
- menuet à quatre(1)
- Congo minuet(1)
- Congo Menuett(1)
- Anna von Österreich(1)
- Caccia(1)
- Pavana Matthei(1)
- Bassa et Alta(1)
- canarie(1)
- Bataglia(1)
- Il Pastor Leggiadro(1)
- Alta Mendozza(1)
- Nizzarda(1)
- Ruota di Fortuna(1)
- Passo e Mezzo(1)
- balli(1)
- Ghislieri, Federico(1)
- Fechtkunst(1)
- martial arts(1)
- Saint-Hubert(1)
- Beauchamp-Feuillet notation(1)
- Mazzella, Salvatore(1)
- Mama Mouchij(1)
- Graun, Carl Heinrich(1)
- L'Europe Galante(1)
- Menus-Plaisirs(1)
- performance praxis(2)
- Aufführungspraxis(2)
- Académie Royale de Musique(1)
- portrait(1)
- ballet master(1)
- Maître de Ballet(1)
- Ballettmeister(1)
- aristocracy(1)
- Parma(1)
- Gardel, Pierre(2)
- Académie de Musique(1)
- Tanzausbildung(1)
- Danzig(2)
- musical culture(1)
- Musikkultur(1)
- Tanzlied(1)
- Singballett(1)
- dance song(1)
- double(1)
- doppio(1)
- measure(1)
- keyboard instruments(1)
- Tasteninstrumente(1)
- Cornazano, Antonio(1)
- religious dance(2)
- religiöser Tanz(2)
- clerical dance song(1)
- geistliches Tanzlied(1)
- Paris Opéra(1)
- Engelbrecht, Martin(1)
- Augsburg(1)
- Roellig, Johann Christian(1)
- Redoute(1)
- Contredanse hongroise(1)
- livret de ballet(3)
- mysticism(1)
- Mystik(1)
- monastic life(1)
- Klosterleben(1)
- dancing mania(1)
- Tanzwut(1)
- symphony(1)
- Symphonie(1)
- Ligeti, György(1)
- court ceremonies(1)
- Hofzeremoniell(1)
- court music(1)
- Hofmusik(1)
- Haiti(1)
- Cuba(1)
- Valle, Pietro della(1)
- Inns of Court Ms(1)
- comic dance(1)
- equestrian ballet(1)
- Pferdeballett(1)
- caroussel(1)
- Karussell(1)
- Munich(1)
- München(1)
- Charleston(1)
- Gdansk(1)
- Dioclesian(1)
- Tanzsaal(1)
- Regency(1)
- la belle danse(1)
- De Lauze, François(1)
- Rameau, Pierre(1)
- Schönburg-Waldenburger Tanzbüchlein(1)
- Callot, Jacques(1)
- Balli di Sfessania(1)
- Finland(1)
- Finnland(1)
- dance culture(1)
- Tanzkultur(1)
- Breslau(1)
- Wrocław(1)
- Hess, Bartholomäus(1)
- Hess, Paul(1)
- Stadtpfeifer(1)
- town musician(1)
- polnische Tänze(3)
- polish dances(3)
- Lublin, Joannis de(1)
- Telemann, Georg Philipp(1)
- Lancelot, Francine(1)
- march(1)
- Marsch(1)
- Fandango(3)
- Justamant, Henri(1)
- hispanomania(1)
- dancing steps(1)
- footing(1)
- setting(1)
- Peacock, Francis(1)
- Ireland(1)
- Irland(1)
- emotions(1)
- Emotionen(1)
- perception(1)
- drawing(1)
- Zeichnung(1)
- engraving(1)
- Kupferstich(1)
- ceramics(1)
- Keramik(1)
- vase painting(1)
- Vasenmalerei(1)
- Méreau, Charles Hubert(1)
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques(1)
- Dolmetsch, Nathalie(2)
- patronage(1)
- dramaturgy(2)
- Dramaturgie(2)
- caduta(1)
- Kensington Palace(1)
- William III(1)
- Eccles, John(1)
- passacaille(1)
- chaconne(1)
- Desnoyer, George(1)
- science(1)
- Wissenschaft(1)