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Finkel, Carola. "Dance in Pasticcios - Pasticcios in Dance."

Finkel, Carola. "Dance in Pasticcios - Pasticcios in Dance." In Operatic Pasticcios in 18th-Century Europe: Contexts, Materials and Aesthetics, edited by Berthold Over and Gesa zur Nieden, 553-574. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2021.

Studying the role of dance in pasticcios shows that there are two types: either dances were inserted into operatic pasticcios or danced works like ballets or entr’acte divertissements were pasticcios themselves. In both cases the pasticcio techniques and the reason for their use will be investigated. Since the question of pasticcio and dance has not yet been addressed on a general level, this article is intended as an overview rather than a detailed study of an individual case. For this reason, four examples are presented which serve as suggestions for a more intensive study of the topic.

Year of publication: 2021


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