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Collins, Denis, und Jennifer Nevile. "Music and Dance."

Collins, Denis, und Jennifer Nevile. "Music and Dance." In A Cultural History of the Emotions in the Late Medieval, Reformation, and Renaissance Age, edited by Andrew Lynch and Susan Broomhall, 49-67. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.

For the ancient Greeks, music and dance were not two separate disciplines but part of the larger art mousike that also included poetry, drama, declamation, and instrumental music. By the period 1300 to 1600, therefore, the association between music and dance in Western European thought had enjoyed a long history. Dance and music were both seen as having the power to move and to change the emotions of those watching, performing, or listening to it. How this power was achieved in these two arts during the late medieval and Renaissance periods, and the responses of modern scholars in investigating the emotional content of music and dance during these centuries, will be explored in this chapter.

Year of publication: 2019


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