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Campóo Schelotto, Diana. "The Pavana in the Choregraphie figurativa, y demostrativa del Arte de Danzar, en la forma Española by Nicolás Rodrigo Noveli (Madrid, 1708)."

Campóo Schelotto, Diana. "The Pavana in the Choregraphie figurativa, y demostrativa del Arte de Danzar, en la forma Española by Nicolás Rodrigo Noveli (Madrid, 1708): its contextualization and comparative study with the Spanish sources of the 17th and 18th centuries." Historical Dance 4, no. 3 (2018): 10-26.

URL: https://historicaldance.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/HistDance-2018-V4N3-pp10-26-Campoo.pdf

Year of publication: 2018


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