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Dickason, Kathryn. "Gracing the Idols: Sainte Foy and the Sanctification of Western Medieval Dance."

Dickason, Kathryn. "Gracing the Idols: Sainte Foy and the Sanctification of Western Medieval Dance." European Drama and Performance Studies no. 8 (2017): 43-69.

This article investigates how medieval saints contributed to the sanctification of dance in the Latin west. Specifically, this work focuses on the relationship between dance and the medieval cult of Sainte Foy. Despite the prevalence of medieval dance prohibitions, dance contributed to the success and dissemination of Sainte Foy’s cult. Within a ritual framework, dance worked in the service of Christian devotion and political domination. Thus, in the context of cultic worship, dance facilitated conversion and supported Christian morality.

Year of publication: 2017

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