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News from our association

European Drama and Performance Studies

A few weeks ago Classiques Garnier has published a new volume of European Drama and Performance Studies focussing on "The Stage and its Creative Processes (16th-21st century)". There you can find ar…

Dance, Song, Music and Sociability...

The Universities of Warwick, Queen Mary and Notre Dame are organising a conference/workshop under the title: Dance, Song, Music and Sociability 1750 -1832 5-6 March 2021 A call for papers has been…

Save the date!

After solving various issues regarding the postponement of the Historical Dance Symposium, Burg Rothenfels has definitely fixed its new date for 15 - 19 June 2022. The Symposium Special will take pla…

Symposium postponed!

Like many other conferences, the Historical Dance Symposium, 10 - 14 June, has now been cancelled (including the Symposium Special, 7 -10 June). It will be postponed, probably to 15 - 19 June 2022. W…

Our "Simultaneous Translation Project"

For all those attendant of the Historical Dance Symposium, who so far had difficulties in understanding the contributions in foreign languages: Now, we have the support of a professional interpreter…

Registrate now!

Registration is now open! 5th Historical Dance Symposium The Ball Pleasure - Power - Politics 1600 - 1900 10 - 14 June 2020 Burg Rothenfels am Main Europe's largest gathering of researchers, danc…

Taubert Proceedings 2017

Finally! The proceedings to the conferences about Gottfried Taubert in Leipzig and Paris have been just published: Hanna Walsdorf/Marie-Thérèse Mourey/Tilden Russell (Hrsg.): Tauberts „Rechtschaffe…

We did it!

Having received a staggering number of submissions, we succeeded in compiling a vibrant and exciting programme of lectures, posters, workshops, dance nights and short performances. In the process of…

51st Summer School of the HDS

"Theatre, ball and country dances and the music of the eighteenth century" take centre stage during the 51st Summer School of the Historical Dance Society from 4th to 11th August, 2019, again locate…

Don't miss it!

There is only one month left to our deadline (1 June) for submissions to the international symposium The Ball Pleasure - Power - Politics 1400 - 1900 10 - 14 June 2020 We are looking for submission…